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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Remedies For Gastric Problem

Natural Home Remedy for Gastric Problem

Are you embarrassed by gas problems??? Explained below are, some of the causes that result in gastric trouble and simple home remedies that help you get rid of this annoying problem.

Gastric trouble is not actually a disease but it is a kind of health condition that is an outcome of some other disease or a disorder. It is also termed as flatulence.

Gas problem may be very annoying at times. Generally gas is formed in the stomach due to numerous reasons such as
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Consuming very spicy food
  • Chewing the food improperly
  • Too much of anxiety and stress
  • Intestinal malfunction
  • Eating sauces and condiments frequently and in large quantities
  • Digestive disorders
You may suffer severe gastric trouble due to infections caused due to bacteria such as H Pylori. Some of the symptoms of gas in stomach are as follows

  •     Coated tongue
  •     Abdominal bloating
  •     Abdominal belching
  •     Bad breath
  •     Lack of appetite
  •     Flatulence

Now you need not worry about this problem, as this condition can be treated with simple and natural home remedies. Ingredients for these home remedies are in your kitchen. Here are the simple and easy home remedies for treating gas:

Home Remedies for Gastric Problem

Turmeric leaves

Turmeric leaves are one of the best remedies for gas. Drink chopped turmeric leaves mixed with a one cup of milk daily for better results.

Guava leaves

Take guava leaves and boil them in water. Once they come to a boil strain the leaves and drink the water. This is a simple remedy for gastric problems.

Potato juice

Another best cure for stomach gas is potato juice. Take potato juice and drink about ½ cup of it before your meal. Repeat this three times a day for best results.


Ginger is an effective remedy for gastric trouble. It is best for treating indigestion as well. In order to prevent the stomach gas from getting formed, chew fresh ginger after your meals on a regular basis. Otherwise you can drink the mixture of water with a generous pinch of ginger powder, a small pinch of rock salt and asafoetida. You can even add fresh or dried ginger to your food. One of the best ways to control gas formation is to drink ginger tea, as it promotes proper digestion and prevents gas.

Ginger tea can be made by mixing one tablespoon of grinded ginger with water and boiling it for few minutes. Now drinking this tea 2 – 3 daily will help you get rid of gas. You can even use ginger externally by adding a few drops of ginger essential oil to any carrier oil and massage it on your stomach.

Baking soda

Baking soda gives instant relief from gas. Drink 1/4 tsp of baking soda mixed with a glass of water. This water solution is one of the most conventional remedies for stomach gas. It can be used as an efficient antacid.

Add a pinch of baking soda to fresh lemon juice in a glass, which is a fizzing drink. Now add some more baking soda and one cup of water to it stir well until the baking soda dissolves. This solution acts as antacid and gives to instant relief from gas. You can also try drinking a glass of water mixed with a small amount of baking soda on empty stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another effective natural remedy for a number of health conditions. It gives instant relief from stomach gas and also helps you treat indigestion. Take a glass of warm water and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Now drink it to get instantaneous relief from your gastric problem. It also leaves a soothing effect on the stomach. You can use normal vinegar if apple cider vinegar is not available.


It is another common remedy that gives instant relief from stomach gas. Boil cinnamon in some water and allow the cinnamon solution to cool in room temperature and drink it. This helps you prevent the formation of gas. You can even take 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one glass of warm milk or add some honey to cinnamon powder stir properly and drink it.

Cinnamon tea can provide you relief from stomach gas. To make it, you have to add some cinnamon power to boiling water and leave it to rest for a few minutes and before drinking it. This home remedy will prevent further formation of gas and soothes your stomach as well.

Asafoetida / hing

Take a generous pinch of asafoetida mixed into a glass of warm water. Now mix it properly before drinking it. To get more relief drink it at least 2 – 3 times every day. To use it externally, make a paste of asafoetida by adding a little water. Apply this asafoetida paste on the stomach and leave it to dry for a couple of minutes. This helps you get rid of stomach gas problem. If you do not want to take it directly you can insert a little amount of asafoetida into a ripe banana and consume it two times a day.

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds are good for various health problems such as indigestion, stomach gas and cramping. When consumed regularly it helps in stimulating proper digestion. Add one teaspoon of the caraway seeds with a cup of boiling water, to make caraway seed tea. Allow the tea to steep by covering it with a lid for a couple of minutes. Now strain off the seeds and drink the water before eating your meals. Drink this tea 3 – 4 times a day for better results. Chewing some roasted caraway seeds by mixing with a pinch of rock salt will help you get relief from gas.


Garlic provides great relief from gas. The pungent odour and heating quality of garlic will help you in stimulating the gastric fire, which helps in proper digestion and offers relief from gas. If you are suffering from gas then you have to try some garlic soup. Use fresh garlic for better results. Take 2 – 3 garlic cloves and roast them on fire directly and consume it after peeling it. Else you can make a solution by taking some freshly ground garlic and add some water, black pepper and cumin seeds and boil them for some minutes. Strain all the ingredients and allow it cool in room temperature. Drink this garlic solution at least twice or thrice daily for better results.


Fennel gives you quick relief from gas and bloating. Take a few fennel seeds and mix it with hot water in a pot and boil it for about 5 minutes on a low flame. Strain the water and drink it fast relief. Or if you can bear the taste of fresh fennel leafy plants chew them raw. You can even take fennel leaves, cardamom and mint leaves together with some water and boil them to make a concoction. Drinking the concoction will help you get rid of stomach gas.


Gas problem can be treated in 2 ways using peppermint. Peppermint tea is one solution for stomach gas. To make the peppermint tea, add fresh peppermint leaves in a cup of water and boil them, now let it steep for a couple of minutes. Strain the leaves and add honey for taste. Drink this herbal tea two to three times daily. Chewing some fresh pepper mint leaves helps you get fast relief from gas. Another option is to add two drops of peppermint oil to 1/2 cup of cool water and consuming it 1 – 2 times a day.


Cardamom is another spice that is available in the kitchen. It helps you in speeding up digestion and relieves you from stomach gas problem. Make a habit of adding a pinch of roasted and ground cardamom powder to rice, lentils or vegetables before cooking. Chewing the whole pods of cardamom solves the gas problem. Do this 2 – 3 times for quick relief. You can even make a cardamom tea by steeping cardamom, a tiny slice of fresh ginger, 1 tsp of fennel in boiling water for a few minutes. Drink this tea a number of times a day for instant relief.


Onion juice will help you get rid of stomach gas, but avoid eating any vegetables that cause gas


Two teaspoons of brandy mixed to a glass of warm water will help you get relief from gas. Drink this solution daily before going to sleep.

Dill oil

Dill oil has some good properties that help you get rid for gas. Consume 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with a drop of Dill oil after every meal, to get relief from stomach gas trouble. Pregnant women should not use dill oil.


You can get fast relief from stomach gas by chewing celery leaves


Charcoal tablets are another simple home remedy for gas trouble by attracting the excess gas present in the intestine. Consuming one charcoal tablet before and after your meal will help you in subsiding acidity and gas. This method is not recommended for children below 12 yrs of age.

You have to make little alterations in your daily lifestyle in order to get good results from the above mentioned home remedies. The changes to be observed are:

  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Do not consume poultry and dairy products such as eggs, milk etc.
  •     Take time and chew your food properly. Don’t be in haste, as chewing properly         helps you in digesting the food quickly
  •     Avoid using straw while drinking as you may swallow more air while using straws
  •     Never sleep immediately after eating your meal
  •     Do not drink aerated drinks

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Symptoms, Causes Of Gas In Chest Area: Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Chest

Gas pain is something common that is experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. While passing intestinal gas or flatulus is done by all of us as part of our daily routine, it can be embarrassing if it becomes in excess. Again, when gas gets trapped and causes pain, it can raise false alarms regarding a heart problem. Sometimes certain food consumption can lead to intestinal gas build up or lead to constipation or diarrhea. These conditions are accompanied by pains that are mainly due to the build up of gas in the intestine. The symptoms, causes and common home remedies are discussed in the subsequent sections.

Causes Of Gas Build Up In Stomach

While gas pain in the chest might be felt, it is mainly due to gas build up in the abdominal region.

• Gas is formed when the bacteria in the colon ferments the carbohydrates that have not been digested in the small intestine
• High fiber foods and healthy foods often fall in such categories of foods that are difficult to digest
• Fiber is known to be good for the system and it is known to keep the digestive tract in working order by removing toxins, controlling the cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar. However, fiber also leads to gas formation.
• High fiber foods that can cause gas and gas pains are vegetables, fruits, beans and peas, whole grains and others
• High fiber supplements like psyllium can cause such problems
• Even carbonated beverage like beer or soda can lead to gas formation
• Gas may be formed due to food intolerance
• Gas may be formed when one suffers from irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis
• When excess air is gulped while eating
• Due to constipation which can cause bloating


For many people the symptoms or the signs of gas pain are obvious:

• Voluntary or involuntary passing of gas
• Belching or passing of gas
• Sharp pains in the abdominal area
• Jabbing pains in the chest
• Pain may occur in the abdomen and the location might shift from one part of the abdomen to another
• Tightness or swelling of the abdomen
• Feeling of bloatedness
• Absence of appetite

When gas pains are not serious, they are usually for a brief period and they pass on by themselves. Sometimes, the symptoms of gas pain can be mistaken for heart diseases, appendicitis, gallstone and other ailments. While it is normal to pass gas several times in a day, it should not cause discomfort or pain in the abdomen which can be unusual and cause for concern.

Home Remedies For Gas In The Chest

1. Lie Down

When you have gas pain in the chest and it causes discomfort you need to:
• Lie down with the head elevated
• Rest in this position for some time to reduce the discomfort

2. Drink Lots Of Fluids

Often the gas build up is due to poor digestion.
• If fluids are taken in plenty, it helps to move the undigested food along
• The fiber rich food which usually causes build up of gas is aided in digestion by increased fluid intake
• Increased fluid intake reduces constipation and allows gas to pass out of the system

3. Stay Away From Carbonated Drinks

When one has gas it is necessary to avoid carbonated drinks.
• Carbonated drinks add to the gas formation and increases the discomfort
• The pain in the chest due to passing of gas will increase due to intake of such beverages
• Carbonated drinks tend to have empty calories and hence, one will be adding on unnecessary sugar in the system

4. Positions That Alleviate Gas In Chest

• You could kneel on the bed with the buttocks in the air and the head facing down. That is a position which encourages the excess gas to pass out of the system
• One could lie down and press their two legs against the stomach. At the same time, while breathing in, one should try and force the air out like passing of gas.
• When doing so make sure you are alone
• When trying to push out the air from your abdomen ensure that the stomach is empty

5. Positions In Bed

There are some positions that the doctors recommend while lying down which helps to prevent the gas build up in the chest or the abdomen. These positions might be simple but they are effective in helping one to reduce their discomfort and be able to sleep at night if the gas build up is causing discomfort.
• Lying down on one’s left side is said to work wonders.
• Even though it is a simple solution, it is recommended in many instances such as when someone is facing gas problem during pregnancy or when someone has undergone colonoscopy.

6. Common Kitchen Ingredient

• There are many common ingredients that are used in Asian kitchens which are helpful for removing flatulence such as mustard
• Mustard is often added in cooking different dishes and that prevents gas build up
• Indian spices like cardamom, cumin and turmeric are known to have beneficial properties for aiding the digestion. One could use these spices to lightly prepare curries that will reduce the bloatedness or gas build up in the stomach.

7. Drinking Hot Fluids

• It is said that fluid intake reduces the gas build up in the abdominal region
• If one drinks or consumes hot water or hot beverages like tea, it helps to move the gas along the digestive tract and release it out naturally.

8. Position On The Ground

There are certain positions that one can take up or exercises that can be done in order to release gas from the stomach or reduce its build up.
• One position that is beneficial is to lie flat on the ground on one’s back. While one inhales, the left foot is raised towards the chest slowly.
• The foot needs to be held to the chest with one’s hands for ten seconds.
• At such a time the breath needs to be held
• The feet should be released while exhaling
• The same steps should be repeated with the other foot
It is seen that gas is passed when these movements are conducted along with the breathing being coordinated.

9. Fruits To Consume

• There are certain fruits that heat up the system and prevent gas from building up.
• Intake of papaya is one example which will help to reduce the bloatedness

10. Different Kinds Of Tea That Can Be Consumed

• Tea like peppermint tea offers relief
• Ginger or chamomile tea are also beneficial
• Herbal tea has anti flatulent properties which prevents the build up of gas in the stomach

11. Get Moving

• Often, insufficient exercise causes poor digestion for which gas build up occurs.
• Going for an evening walk or simply increasing one’s physical activity will provide relief

12. Lying Down Exercises

There are some exercises that one can do while lying down in bed:
• Cycling in the air by putting one’s legs high up in the air and pretending to cycle
• Scissor like movements with the two legs in the air
• Yogic positions also help to remove flatulence and bloated feeling

13. Charcoal Capsules

• If you have charcoal capsules at home they will help to reduce bloatedness
• Excess gas and impurities of the system are removed by such supplements.

14. Baking Soda

• You could try and have a hot cup of water with baking soda added in it. It helps to reduce flatulence.

15. Ginger In Different Forms

One of the known kitchen ingredient that is known for its curing properties is ginger. It can provide relief in different forms.
• It can be consumed in small pieces
• One could put it in their tea
• Consume ginger tablets

16. Try Sit Ups

• Doing sit ups will surely get the gas moving and will force it out of your system.
• Such exercises are good for the stomach as well as the legs. Thus, not only will you be toning your abdominal muscles as well as the ones on your legs, you will be releasing gas and gaining relief from flatulence.

17. Apple Cider Vinegar

• A useful home remedy is consuming two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
• It will aid in digestion and reduce the discomfort caused by flatulence.

18. Avoid Dairy Food Products

• If you are getting the feeling of bloatedness often, it could be a sign of food intolerance.
• Many people are often unaware of their intolerance to gluten rich foods or dairy products.
• Understand which kind of food items are causing the feeling of bloatedness in your body and avoid consuming them.
Are you suffering from gas in chest often? One of the above home remedies will surely provide relief. Are you looking for safe and effective cure for flatulence? You will find many remedies here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

12 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Hypertension

What Is Hypertension?

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the force of the blood on the artery walls is high. This will eventually cause health problems including heart disease. Blood pressure depends on the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the resistance offered by your arteries. When your blood vessels are narrow the blood pressure will be high. 120/80 is considered as the normal blood pressure.

Symptoms Of Hypertension

Most people do not have any symptoms for hypertension even when the blood pressure readings are high. Some people show symptoms such as

•    Mild headaches
•    Dizzy spells
•    Nosebleeds
•    Shortness of breath
•    Vision problems

The Causes Of Hypertension

There are two types of hypertension according to the cause

1.    Primary hypertension : when the actual cause of hypertension is not known
2.    Secondary hypertension: when an underlying condition is the cause of hypertension.
The various condition causing hypertension are
•    Kidney problems
•    Adrenal gland tumors
•    Congenital problems of blood vessels
•    Certain medications like cold remedies, birth control pills, pain relievers etc
•    Use of Illegal drugs like cocaine
Apart from these factors there are other factors which can lead to hypertension
•    Age
•    Obesity
•    Lack of exercise
•    Excessive alcohol consumption
•    Stress
•    Sleep apnea
Primary Hypertension can be effectively controlled by home remedies and lifestyle changes.

How To Get Rid Of Hypertension Naturally

The following are the home remedies that you can try to reduce your high blood pressure or hypertension.

1.    Lemon

Lemon helps in making the blood vessels soft by removing the rigidity of the vessels. This will in turn help in lowering hypertension. It is rich in Vitamin B and will not just reduce your high blood pressure but will also keep your heart healthy.

•    Make it a point to drink 5 to 6 glasses of fresh lemon water every day.
•    It is ideal for you to add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Drink this on an empty stomach everyday to lower high blood pressure.
•    It would be better for you to drink lemon juice without sugar or salt. You can mix it with honey.

2.    Watermelon Seeds

Cucurbocitrin is a compound that is present in the watermelon seeds that will help in widening the blood capillaries. It helps in reducing the blood pressure levels and is also an effective treatment for arthritis and kidney diseases.

•    Take 2 tablespoons of dried watermelon seeds and crush  them gently.
•    Now add these crushed watermelon seeds in a cup of boiled water.
•    Leave it there for about an hour and slightly stir it so that it mixes well with water.
•    Strain it and drink four tablespoons of this water every hour of the day.

3.    Garlic

Garlic is a well known home remedy to reduce cholesterol levels in your body which is the main culprit behind hypertension. Garlic contains hydrogen sulfide which is very essential compound that promotes good blood flow and reduces blood pressure.

•    Eating 5 to six pods of fresh garlic everyday on an empty stomach will help to effectively reduce hypertension.
•    You can also extract garlic juice by crushing about 10 pods of garlic.
•    Add five to six drops of this garlic juice in four teaspoons of water and drink it twice a day to get relief from high blood pressure.

4.    Ginger Juice With Cumin

•    Add 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice to a teaspoon of honey.

•    Now mix a teaspoon of cumin powder to honey and ginger juice mixture.
•    Mix well and consume this twice daily to reduce high blood pressure.

5.    Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are said to have a lot of medicinal properties and is found to be effective to treat high blood pressure.

•    Boil 25 to 30 curry leaves in a glass of water.
•    Bring this to room temperature and strain off the leaves.
•    Drink this medicated water early in the morning on an empty stomach to reduce your high blood pressure levels effectively .

6.    Reduce Salt Intake

It is ideal for you to reduce the intake of salt or lower sodium level in your body to reduce hypertension.

•    It would be better for you to switch to low sodium salt to reduce hypertension.
•    It would be even better if you could totally avoid salt in the food that you eat.
•    It is best advised for people with hypertension to stay away from processed foods and frozen foods as it contains high levels of sodium.

7.    Celery Leaves

3-N-butylphthalide is found to be high in celery and this is a phytochemical compound that helps in drastically reducing high blood pressure. It will also help in reducing stress hormones that usually make the blood vessels constrict.

•    Try to take one stalk of celery bunch or ad celery leaves and stalk in  your daily vegetable salad to help in lowering blood pressure levels.
•    Consume a glass of water also along with the celery stalk.

8.    Onion Juice

•    Try to eat at least one medium sized raw onion every day.

•    Extract juice from raw onions and to a teaspoon of onion juice add a teaspoon of honey and mix well.
•    Drink this mixture twice a day every day to keep your blood pressure in check.

9.    Fenugreek Seeds

The paste of fenugreek seeds is said to be very effective in treating blood pressure.

•    Add one or two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water and boil it for about three to four minutes.
•    Strain the fenugreek seeds and make it a smooth paste with the help of a blender.
•    Consume this paste everyday once in the morning on an empty stomach and also once in the evening.
•    You will see a lowering of blood pressure levels in two to three months time.

10.     Banana

•    Make it a habit to eat at least two bananas a day as it is low in sodium and free from cholesterol.

•    You can also include raisins, baked sweet potatoes, spinach, dried apricots and orange juice in your diet to reduce high blood pressure levels.

11.     Regular Physical Activity

•    It is important for you  to exercise about 30  to 45 minutes at least five to six times a week to increase your metabolism and to keep your blood pressure at normal levels.

•    Reduce the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking to maintain your blood pressure levels.

12.     Stress Management

•    You  should learn to manage your stress effectively to reduce high blood pressure.

•    Relaxation, yoga and deep breathing exercises help in reducing stress.
•    You also need to sleep for at least seven hours every day.

Are you worried about high blood pressure levels? Is hypertension preventing you from not doing your regular work properly? Let go all your worries and try out a combination of the above home remedies to effectively reduce hypertension in three to four months.

Monday, January 5, 2015

20 Natural Diuretic Foods To Lose Weight And Lower Blood Pressure

Diuretic Foods To Lose Weight And Lower Blood Pressure
Diuretic foods are one of the best solutions for dealing with hypertension and water retention. People who are on a weight-loss regimen often make use of diuretic foods to get rid of unwanted fluids and to lower their body weight. Some people take diuretic pills to get their job done. However, rather than resorting to unwanted medication it is safer to start a diet that includes some special fruits and vegetables that are natural diuretics. Listed below are some of the most effective natural diuretic foods that can assist in lowering high blood pressure and in reducing excess water weight.

1. Lemon

Lemon has innumerable health benefits and it is used for curing a wide range of conditions.

• Lemon juice can help in lowering high blood pressure

• Lemon juice also helps in curing urinary tract infection.
• Lemon juice can be taken with water or it can be mixed with your food.

2. Oats

• Oats has always been a great food for those who are on a weight-loss regimen. However, most of us are unaware about the diuretic properties of oats.
• Yet another popular benefit of eating oats is its ability to lower blood cholesterol.

3. Celery

Celery is a nutritious food that contains lot of water. It helps in hydrating your entire system. If you do not prefer the taste of celery, you can mix it with a smoothie health drink made of fruits and vegetables.

4. Brussels Sprouts

• Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants that help the body in fighting with a wide range of disorders.
• Brussels are one of the best low-calorie foods that can help you in reducing weight. If you cannot stand its taste, try to cook it with other foodstuffs.

5. Ginger

• Ginger has several health benefits but you cannot take it as it is. Hence, you can mix it up with your favorite cuisine as an alternative form of spicing.
• Ginger can also be added to tea or water.

• Ginger helps is detoxifying your body
• It also acts as an effective diuretic and helps in flushing out all the excess fluids.

6. Beets

• Beet is a nutritious vegetable that acts as a diuretic.
• Beet contains a rare antioxidant known as betalain.

• The best type of beets are the fresh ones that can be boiled, grilled or steamed. Always opt for fresh beets rather than pickled beets.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is full of essential ingredients that have several health benefits.

• It helps in strengthening urinary functions by acting as a strong diuretic that cleanses the urinary system

• It also helps in improving the process of digestion.
• Although apple cider vinegar is used for cooking, if you are looking for a diuretic then it would be better to take it along with water. Note that you only need to take it in small proportions.

8. Cabbage

Cabbage is a highly beneficial vegetable that functions as a diuretic.

• Researchers have proved its effectiveness in preventing cancerous growths

• It also prevents the occurrence of heart disease.
• You can either make it into a soup or have it well cooked before eating.
• Note that, if you are taking cabbage as a diuretic, avoid adding too much of salt.

9. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is an excellent diuretic food that helps in curing urinary tract infections.

• Cranberry juice contains antioxidants that destroy the free radicals.

• It helps in maintaining a good potassium level.
• For making cranberry juice, select only organic cranberries. Organic cranberries are free from chemicals and inorganic preservatives. Do not opt for processed berries or processed cranberry juice.

10. Eggplant

• Eggplant is a diuretic food that helps in reducing the excess fluids trapped in your body.

• Some people use it as a weight-loss remedy. They boil the eggplant along with water and then consume the water that contains the essence of eggplant.

11. Parsley


Parsley has innumerable health benefits that can help you in improving your overall health.

• Parsley is an excellent diuretic
• It contains a wide range of antioxidants
• You can take parsley as an additive to your foodstuffs and cuisines. The herb has a refreshing effect when mixed with other foods. You can also take water boiled with parsley.

12. Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee acts as a good diuretic. However, these items contain caffeine which is harmful to your body. This makes it a poor choice when it comes to natural diuretic foods.

13. Water

Water helps in flushing out all the retained fluids in your body.

• In case of low water intake your body tries to conserve the water by retaining it in its cells. This causes water retention and swelling. If you are supplying enough water to your body, it will automatically quit the habit of retaining its fluids.

• You can add lemon or ginger to your water in order to increase its diuretic effect.

14. Tomatoes

Tomatoes act as a diuretic when taken in their raw form.

• You can make a salad out of tomatoes or make a drink of it by mixing its juice with that of more delicious items like watermelon or carrot.

• Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a form of antioxidant that helps in preventing cancer as well as heart disease.

15. Cucumber

• Cucumber is a highly hydrating vegetable that contains lots of water.
• Cucumber helps in detoxification of our system.

• It improves the functioning of urinary system
• It helps the body in fighting with diabetes
• It helps in better weight management
• Cucumber is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in preventing cancer.
• It contains lot of minerals that makes us more energetic.

16. Watermelon

• Watermelon is a highly beneficial fruit that contains lot of fluids. It acts as a diuretic and helps the body in eliminating excess liquids and salt.
• It is rich in antioxidants.

• Note that watermelon is quite sweet and too much of it can raise your blood sugar levels.

17. Carrots

• Carrots are highly beneficial for your eyes. They have several health benefits and they also function as a diuretic.
• Different types of carrots are available in the market. Baby carrots are best eaten raw. They are often used for making salads. Regular carrots are usually used for cooking purposes.

• Carrots do not lose their nutrients when they are cooked. Hence, you need not worry about eating them raw.

18. Garlic

• Garlic is an excellent detoxifying agent and they also function as an effective diuretic.
• Garlic comes in pill form; however, if you need to use it as diuretic it would be better to eat real garlic instead of taking its supplements.

• If you are not able to eat raw garlic, you can use it as an additive while cooking.

19. Artichokes

• Artichokes are an excellent form of diuretic that helps in reducing weight.
• They also act as a digestive aid.

• They are full of minerals and vitamins. Taking artichokes can help you to deal with various deficiencies.

20. Asparagus

• Asparagus is a highly nourishing food that also acts as a natural diuretic.
• While taking asparagus, its compounds react with urine and give rise to a typical smell. This is quite natural and there is no harm in it.

• Asparagus is rich in antioxidants and regular consumption of this vegetable can offer several benefits.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

9 Tips To Control High Blood Pressure

Control High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a common problem that affects lot of people. Nonetheless, there are medications that can help you in lowering your blood pressure. However, these drugs cannot cure the problem; they only help in controlling it. Nevertheless, you can cure this condition by following a healthy life style and a balanced diet. Mentioned below are a few diet changes that can help you in curing high blood pressure.

1. Fruits And Fresh Vegetables

Your diet should contain more fruits and vegetables. Start taking green and leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage etc. You should eat fruits like watermelon, bananas, oranges and potatoes. These fruits have a high concentration of potassium in them. This helps in controlling your blood pressure.

2. Low-Fat Diet

If you have high blood pressure, it would be helpful if you cut down on high-fat foodstuffs and dairy products. Switch to low-fat dairy items like milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt and low-fat cheese.

3. Protein-Rich Diet

Your diet should be high in protein and low in fat. In the place of red meat you should take low-fat and protein-rich items like chicken, fish and eggs.

4. Whole Grains

Avoid processed foods. Switch to a diet that consists of whole grains like oats, brown breads, cereal and pasta.

5. Beans, Seeds And Nuts

Include items like kidney beans, nuts, cannellini beans and peanut butter in your diet. This can help you in maintaining your blood pressure.

6. Healthy Oil

You should switch to healthy oils like olive oil that can help you in reducing high blood pressure. Include olive oil and low-fat margarine in your diet. These items contain omega 3 fatty acids which can help you in maintaining your blood pressure.

7. Reduce Intake Of Sugar And Alcohol

If you have high blood pressure, avoid the intake of sugar and alcohol. Also avoid taking carbonated beverages and food items that have a high concentration of trans-fat and fat. These items can raise your blood pressure as well as damage the blood vessels.

8. Monitor Your Blood Pressure

If you are making some diet changes to reduce your blood pressure, it would be better if you buy a blood pressure monitor that can help you to check your blood pressure quite frequently.  By following the aforementioned diet changes you will be seeing a notable difference within 2 to 3 weeks.

9. Avoid Sodium-Rich Diet

Avoid food items that are high in sodium. Avoid foodstuffs that are salty in nature. Your daily intake of sodium should not be higher than 1500 mg. Stop eating items like frozen sea foods, chips, ketchups, mustard and pickles. These items contain sodium in very high quantities. There are certain herbs that can help you in reducing the sodium levels in your food.

Although high blood pressure can lead to several problems, it can be easily controlled with the help of a healthy life style and a controlled diet.

Are you concerned about your unstable blood pressure? Are you looking for a natural remedy that can help you in maintaining your blood pressure? If you are looking for an alternative remedy to deal with your chronic blood pressure problem then try out some of the above mentioned diet changes and dietary tips that can give you some guaranteed results.  By switching to a healthy diet program that contains lots of fruits and green vegetables, you can definitely help your body in lowering your blood pressure. Apart from diet you should also make some lifestyle changes like regular exercise and proper rest.